More Popular with Gael's Mom than Timothy Findley, Sheila Fraser and the Chief Veterinary Officer of Canada (But Not Popular Enough With the Extended Family Apparently)

Today, I go for the "Longest Title For a Blog Post I've Ever Done" award.  It's an award that I created specifically to honour the titles that I have written on this blog.  I comprise the entire jury selecting the nominees, and I am also the entire body of the eligible voters.  The accounting firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers tallies the votes, and a winner is selected.  In the case where I cannot afford the firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers to administer the voting process, I will substitute the accounting firm of my choice.  In this case, I may use my three year old niece, Holly, who demonstrated her completely accurate ability to say numbers on my last visit.

This title refers specifically to some email correspondence I've been having with one lucky reader (would YOU like to be a lucky reader too?  Just send me an email, and I will write you back with a lovingly hand crafted missive.).  In our most recent exchange, she informed me that she had forwarded my ad to her mother, who had missed it on the news.  Later, when they were talking, she told her mother that she had been writing with me.  In her words:
I think me writing to (you) had thrilled her more than my long
correspondence from years past with Timothy Findley, my recent
correspondence with Sheila Fraser (former Auditor general of Canada) and my work relationship with the Chief Veterinary Officer of Canada (who she is awfully fond of, having seen him on the news many times).
Like all good Canadians, we all know that the Chief Veterinary Officer of Canada is Dr. Brian Evans.  If you aren't familiar with the good Dr. Evans, I recommend reading his bio.  Did you know that he was also appointed as Canada's first Chief Food Safety Officer?  I didn't know that.  He never ceases to amaze.

Also, Timothy Findley wrote some books and Sheila Fraser made the government uncomfortable.

In other news, the following happened.  These are my lovely wife's cousins, who are excellent people, but I've blocked out their pics and names because that's apparently what you do when you're posting pictures of wall posts to the Internet.  Plus, it's close to Christmas, so red and green seem like appropriate colours.

If anyone wants to buy the rights to this epic tale, feel free to contact me.
That's it for now.  I'm off to see Kevin Smith in Halifax tonight, recording the Jay and Silent Bob Get Old podcast.  Can't wait!  I missed his Evening with Kevin Smith last month because of work, but I rearranged all my days off this month to get to this show.  Big thank you to my friend Joc who thought I would make an excellent chaperone for her husband and arranged the ticket purchase.  I promise to do everything in my power to get him back to you in one piece...but if there's an after party, I'm totally stalking Kevin.

Talk to you tomorrow!
