No Nationwide TV Spot, So Enjoy This Instead!

I have recorded the ad.

And by that, I mean that I have recorded myself reading the ad.  Out loud.  So you can hear me.  It would be a sad sort of recording if it was just the sound of me hitting the page down button a couple of times.  It does sound like something I'd do though, doesn't it?

I've never been one to shy away from publicly making a spectacle of myself, but thus far I've been able to hide behind my keyboard.  Well, here I go!

It turns out that recording software is insanely easy to use in the 21st century.  I love living in the future.  I wonder if this qualifies as my first audio book?

This isn't exactly my first attempt at recording something... Earlier this year, I entered the CBC HubCap Comedy Festival Stand Up Contest.  I won the online portion of the contest with the following story.  The actual stand up itself?  Whooo... that was a different story.

And that's all I have to say about that right now.  Literally.
