I am still not a smart Man sometimes

so these new phones that we bought are pretty nifty. My Phone even Comes with a pen se I can write instead of typing the handwriting analysis is pretty decent considering that I have horrible hand writing .
In Case yon were wonder: ing, no dhis is nota typo . This is how a computer interprets my handwriting. Iam making a point potty back to correct any mistakes I am curious to see how this turns omt.
My prediction : It will turnout poorly .
so how about that impending snowstorm ch? It , s the beginning of spring and I have to spend itplanning for being Duk amide fn s''

It appears that the analyser is taking a little break,

Oh, and n case you win wondering about the title , th phones came win screen protectors,and't was onlyyesterday1almost amonth since wegofthemthat I noticedthat I had not putmine on correctly,,,turns at the screenbooks a Lot betterwhen you removethe park of theprotector tataren't supposedto stay on,

Yeah, this linksabout what Ithought it would,neat,, but notreally readableOL l
Ormy handwritingis gory to improvedramaticallyinthernext littlewhile,. or Maybe longer,
