Five Movies That You'll Be SHOCKED Aren't Video Games Yet!

Here are five films that you will be astounded have not been made into video games yet.  Normally, I'd just list the five films and that'd be the end of it.  But no, this time, because I appreciate you, my kind and generous reader, I am also going to include links and some other words that when put together in the order in which I have them make up additional sentences and content!

5.  Trading Places (1983)

The Movie - Trading Places was about Eddie Murphy being poor and Dan Aykroyd being rich, which you'd think is probably the end of the discussion about the economy of race in America.  BUT NO.  Just when you think that there is no way for this to get any funnier, they trade places!  Now Dan Aykroyd is poor and Eddie Murphy is rich and they don't know why that's happening!
The Video Game - Think Street Fighter meets Missile Command!  You team up as Dan Aykroyd who fights like a rich guy with special boxing powers and maybe fencing too, and Eddie Murphy who uses his wits and his scary powers of not being rich to intimidate his foes.  They collect stock market tokens along the way that their enemies drop when they get knocked out and at the end of each level the player invests in agricultural futures.  HOW HAS THIS NOT ALREADY BEEN MADE?

4.  My Girl 2 (1994)

The Movie - Speaking of Dan Aykroyd, why not the 1994 classic film My Girl 2?  Not the first one that's all about preteen angst or unicorns or whatever it was that was about, I'm talking about the sequel where the kid from the first movie goes to Los Angeles! If you're not familiar with the plot, they pretty much ripped the whole thing off in Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles, and that wasn't until 7 years later, so you know this is going to be good.

My girl two.jpg

"My girl two" by The poster art can or could be obtained from Columbia Pictures.. Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia.

The Video Game - Think Street Fighter meets Pac Man!  You run around as the girl and you fight big bosses who drop clues about what kind of person your dead mother who you never met was.  Then in the final battle you write an essay about her, which is then graded for style, punctuation, grammar and correct use of footnotes.  HINT: If you finish all the bonus rounds, you get a clear plastic duotang to put your essay in.  Automatic THREE GRADE BUMP!

3.  The Great Outdoors (1988)

The Movie - If you've never seen The Great Outdoors, I just don't even.  It's been out for over 25 years.  Kids were born, went to school, got married and have kids of their own and, what, you're too good to watch this movie?  Dan Aykroyd plays a guy that's rich that gives John Candy a hard time for not being as rich as he is, all against the backdrop of being outside! 

The Great Outdoors (film) Poster.jpg

"The Great Outdoors (film) Poster". Via Wikipedia.

The Video Game - Think Street Fighter meets The Ghostbusters Video Game.  It's like a puzzle game where you have to show how you can be better than the other players.  Every time you win, you win the adoration of your family.  Every time you lose, you go deeper in debt until you have to sell family heirlooms to meet your creditors.

2.  50 First Dates (2004)

The Movie - Dan Aykroyd plays a brain guy that tries to help Adam Sandler cope with Drew Barrymore's memory problems in 50 First Dates.  I don't care what anyone says, if Dan Aykroyd hadn't been there in that scene to explain what was going on in her noggin, the rest of the movie would have been really confusing.  I tried counting all the dates in the movie that they go on, but I think I missed some.
The Video Game - Think Mortal Kombat meets Street Fighter.  You walk around the hospital, collecting pieces of brains, then you put them back in people so they can fall in love and get married like real people.

1.  She's Having a Baby (1988)

The Movie - I know what you're thinking: "How many AWESOME movies did Dan Aykroyd make in 1988 anyway?"  The answer is five.  But this one is different than the others because where in the other movies he's like, in it, or something, in this one he's not in it at all until after the end of the movie!  And guess what?  He's playing the same character as in The Great Outdoors!  I mean, think about it, this character was so great that he got to be the secret level of a WHOLE OTHER MOVIE.  That's amazing right there.

The Video Game - I think we're all thinking the same thing.  Your move Atari.

And there you have it, five great movies that could be the next big video game franchise!  I know, I know, you're thinking that there is a theme here, right?  You'd be... right!  All of the movies had two people on the poster!  
